hassle free, fully compliant
Umbrella Payment Service

Your Pay provides a hassle free, fully compliant Umbrella Payment Service that gives our employees peace of mind and customer support that is second to none.

What does Your Pay do for you?

  • At Your Pay we are fully compliant and keep abreast of the constantly changing employment regulations and legislation.
  • We keep you up to date with the changes as they occur, and how they might affect you.
  • We work in accordance with HMRC to ensure that the correct PAYE and NIC contributions are submitted and documented on your behalf.
  • We guarantee free same day payments, directly into your bank to ensure you get paid ON TIME, EVERY TIME.
  • We provide an Over Arching Contract to all of our employees, so you are in complete control of your employment with us and what it entails.
  • We provide a service that has no hidden charges or levies.
  • Quick and easy registration.

What is 'Compliance' and how does it affect you?

'Compliance is your Right to Work and our adherence to the regulations that allow you to do so.'

Your Pay can offer you a simple and hassle free registration process that gives you the peace of mind to know that all the relevant criteria have been met.

We communicate with your agency or contractor on your behalf and keep them up to date with the changes that affect you.

Join Now


We have the answers! Give us a call and ask for us for advice on:

Over Arching Contracts
Temporary Workers Expenses
Right to Work ID Checks
Holiday pay
RTI Reporting
VAT Obligations
CIS Gross Status
Health and Safety
Ltd Companies.
Data Protection.


Tel: 01525 712230
54 Maulden Road
MK45 5BW
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